Bokeh Photography Tips And Techniques

Bokeh Photography Tips And Techniques

Bokeh Photography Tips And Techniques

What is Bokeh Photography? 
Bokeh comes from the Japanese boke (ボ ケ) which means blur (blurred). Bokeh is a subtle blur effect or soft focus in the background when photographing an object (a sharp focus on the main object while its background blur or become blurred).

Bokeh Photography Tips And Techniques

1 = Not bokeh photos 
2 = Bokeh Photos (this background blur)

Here are tips How to Do Bokeh Photography and Get Bokeh Photo with a DSLR Camera :

  • Use the Aperture Priority mode (Av) or Manual mode (M) to select the desired aperture.
  • Select the setting of the largest aperture of the lens (figure f / x smallest, the smaller the number f / x, the aperture the greater).
  • Note the distance between the camera and the object image. The closer the object the camera with his background more blur (bokeh).
  • Choose a focal length of the longest lengsa. With the longest focal length would separate object with its background. Example: when you use a 55-250mm zoom lens, select the focal length of 250mm to obtain a better bokeh.
  • Use prime lens (prime lens or fixed lens). Prime lens is a single focal length lens with no zoom lens alias that can produce images that are sharper and better its optical quality of the lens zoom. Prime lens usually has a larger aperture so nice bokeh used to generate images (eg 50mm f / 1.8).

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